I18n Studio overview


I18n Studio is a powerful macOS software powered by GPT4 that provides localization services for iOS, macOS, Android, and JS projects. In this article we will focus on the features of I18n Studio.

I18n Studio overview


  1. Translation:

    • Translation with AI: I18n Studio leverages GPT4 technology to automatically translate your project's content into multiple languages.
    • Wide language support: I18n Studio supports a broad range of languages, enabling localization for diverse audiences.
    • Translate Key: Translate the value of a single row, such as translating "book" into French, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.
    • Translate Value: Translating individual values. For example, the English word "books" translates to "livres" in French.
    • Translate Language: For example, translating all content into Chinese
    • Translate All: Complete localization translation for all languages.

    Translation Services

  2. Translation Fine-tuning:

    • Linguistic nuances: Fine-tune the translations according to specific linguistic nuances or cultural considerations to ensure high-quality localization.
    • Context-aware descriptions: Provide simple descriptions to guide the AI model and improve the translation accuracy.
    • Preserve brand names and key phrases: Specify which elements should not be translated to maintain brand consistency across different languages.

    Translation Fine-tuning

  3. Multi-platform Support:

    • Versatile compatibility: I18n Studio seamlessly integrates with popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code, Xcode, and Android Studio.
    • Ready for web and mobile: Works for iOS apps, macOS applications, Android apps, or JavaScript projects.

    I18n Studio Multi-platform Support

  4. Sync:

    • Live sync with IDE: Changes made in I18n Studio are instantly reflected in your IDE, enabling real-time updates and reducing manual effort.

    I18n Studio Live sync with Xcode

If you need to localize your projects for iOS and macOS, please check out the following article

iOS app localization

If you need to localize your projects for android, please check out the following article

Android app localization

If you need to localize your projects for js, please check out the following article

Web app localization


I18n Studio offers a wide range of features designed to simplify the multilingual localization process. From automatic translation to fine-tuning, this powerful tool streamlines the localization workflow, allowing developers to reach a global audience with ease. Embrace the features of I18n Studio and unlock the potential for seamless multilingual support in your projects.